Kan vara min första novell med ett slut.
Skola, läsande och en massa skrivande utanför bloggandet, gör att det lätt blir så att jag hoppar i havet och paddlar lite på surfbrädan, eller åker vattenrutschbana ner i poolen, eller spelar fotboll, etc etc, istället för att skriva någonting här när jag väl får tid över. Att vi inte har internet och jag kan ha haft min längsta tid utan uppkoppling sedan adsl kom ut på marknaden denna helg (hela fem dagar) hjälper inte heller till.
Visserligen inga enorma vågor direkt, men med en go gäng och varmt väder är det rätt gött i vattnet ändå..
Men för att jag, även om jag vanligtvis inte vill erkänna det för mig själv, alltid får lite skuldkänslor när jag inte skrivit någonting här på länge, tänkte jag att ni får väl ta del av min första novell då istället.
När man skriver en kort historia eller en novell, ska man enligt min tutor Stuart, hålla sig till vissa regler. Få karaktärer, enkel historia/handling, försök få fram ett budkap, osv.
Uppgiften den här gången var att bryta mot så många regler som möjligt och skriva en riktigt dålig novell.
Detta är mitt försök:
Friday on bus 709
Edward is the man with the mustache and blue bus driver jacket with matching blue bus driver hat. Sylvia is the elderly lady with a cat box. Peter is the one holding his little sister Mary’s hand in one hand and superman in the other, not letting go of either until they meet papa at the last stop just as he promised Mama. Jenny has blond long hair and what people had told her so many times, the most beautiful blue eyes. She also had a dress that matches them. Julia, Jenny’s friend from forever, is also wearing a dress that matches her eyes, even though no one ever had said anything complementing about their green-grey color.
All these people had, except for the brother and sister, Sylvia and her cat, and the girls in their pretty dresses, never met or talked to each other. Without knowing some of them had been on the same bus before, but never all of them at the same time like right now. Bus 709 always went straight from the suburbs south of town through the city centre and all the way up to the northern more upper class suburbs. On the way passing the mall with the ice cream machine that Peter knew could make green pair flavored ice cream. Superman’s favorite.
All these people plus a couple more was now sitting on the grey and blue bus as it drove out of the first suburb and speeded up to about fifty before it had to break again for another bus stop. One of the people who were riding the bus to short to get a presentation jumped off and walked out into the late autumn’s dark afternoon.
Peter and Superman had always thought it looked a little bit scary, looking from the inside of the well lit bus into the gardens and later on the trip, streets of the city covered in darkness. Of course in the summer it wasn’t even close to dark five a clock when mom sent them across the city every other weekend so that their papa could pick them up from the bus station after work.
Julia who never, it didn’t matter if she started four hours before departure, felt like she was done and happy with her makeup, used the bus windows and the black background as a mirror. Constantly checking so that her mascara hadn’t smeared out, it hadn’t. And that her hair was still curved around her shoulders with the same amount of locks on both sides, it was. Still she again fiddled a little with them and even though she knew it was a bigger chance of actually ruining it than fixing what was already perfect or at least as good as it would ever be, scratching the skin underneath her eye to make sure no mascara was where it shouldn’t be.
Jenny had looked in the mirror once and even though she never had spend more than ten minutes getting ready for a party, including picking a dress and sometimes while eating if there was a lack of time between her afternoon run and the time the bus left, she was very happy with what she saw.
To school she hardly even wore makeup, something that was up for discussion more than on one occasion with the behind the back talking girls in the smokers corner. Julia was, even though she would never admit it, just jealous. Not as much of the fact that Jenny still was the most beautiful girl in school even without, but more the courage it tock to be the only girl of about 5000 who just didn’t care about the smokers corners judgment.
The bus stopped again and three guys who obviously already had taken the fact that is was Friday seriously while ordering way more than the one beer that gave all after workers at Paddy’s Bar free taco-buffet. The first guy who was a bit taller than the other two paid Edward the bus driver and wondered at the same time how long it would take before he could grow an as impressive mustache. By the few blond hairs that appeared last time he forgot to shave, many, many years still.
While still thinking about mustaches he turned around and for the first time he had a lock at all the people sitting on the bus.
Sylvia’s cat was staring back at the boy through the wires in his cage door. And Sylvia, its owner looked scared at his two friends that while paying was laughing loudly at a joke that probably wouldn’t be as funny in daylight.
While the boys took their seats they checked out the two girls in the back and decided right away that whichever bar they were going to, they were going too. And maybe, maybe the first boy thought for himself, I might get company home even though I don’t have a mustache.
The bus speeded up again, and then as soon as it hit top speed, slowed down again for another stop. Sylvia took her cat box and walked of while Mary waved goodbye to the little grey furry ball in the cage as it passed her seat in its little cage home.
The next stop was the city center with all the pubs, clubs and in the daytime stores with clothes, superman-dolls and whatever else people could need. Jenny and Julia walked of the bus with their beautiful dresses twirling around their legs with the three boys following close behind two of them still laughing at each other while the third taller one tried to catch up to Jenny’s blue dress who he was just as impressed off as little Mary was. The doors closed behind the youngsters while Mary thought that she was going to ask dad for a just as blue and beautiful dress later tonight.
Edwards fine driving had now taken them all the way from one end of the bus line to the other. Peter who was a good brother let his little sister press the stop button; he was too old to argue about small stuff like that anyway, just as mama had said. The two children left the bus for their fathers arms and left Edward all alone for the last ride of the night, to the bus garage.
Edward turned up the volume of the little crappy stereo all the buses where equipped with and sang quietly while stroking his mustache. Another Friday had passed.
Jag tycker om ditt sätt att beskriva personerna på.
Fast det kanske inte är bra i detta fall?
haha det är ju såna här noveller som är mysigast!